We represent the best Universities and colleges in Australia, UK, New Zealand and Canada.
The Megamind services has alliances with many requited Universities/college of different Countries. To explore the details of these Universities/college please select the country from the left panel.
For people who want to visit, work, study or live in any OverseasCountry. Includes details of Country's Refugee and Humanitarian Program. Includes information for employers about sponsoring skilled people to work in any Country in Abroad. How to become their citizen, as well as information on special events and resources.
- Professionals and other skilled workers seeking work or business in Overseas Countries.
- Tourists, working holiday, people transiting, visiting family or friends, or visiting for business or an event.
- People studying or seeking study, training, or skills development in abroad.
- Employers who sponsor skilled people to work in Australia and other countries.
- Refugee and Humanitarian programs of Australia & other countries.